Here is what I can speculate on happening in the next five years. This is only for the developed world. I cant comment on the third world (where all the growth is). The developing world will get most of the attention.
1. Because of the apparent lack of qualified men, and that condition not improving, merge several congregations together. Sell any extra KHs and send the money to the Organisation.
2. Revamp the weekly meetings so that there is only a bible study meeting. It is for one hour and there is alternating Brothers doing it. The reader doesn't matter. This meeting is held on the first, third and fifth week. A canned video of one hour is presented on the second and fourth week. For areas where there is limited internet availability, they will be sent a DVD. The Congregation would have to pay for the DVD the same as they would pay for and ISP.
3. Revamp the Sunday meeting to a one hour public talk given by any Brother in good standing that can follow and outline and talk for an hour. This is given on the first, third and fifth week. A canned video talk is presented on weeks two and four. There will be no regular Watchtower study. If there is a special doctrinal matter that needs to be introduced or revised and the congregation needs to hear and understand it through the study method, a special publication will be on the website for downloading and a special meeting will be held. If the matter doesn't need to be studied, then a special video talk will be presented with a brief explanation/commentary provided by a local Brother.
3. There will be a special series of articles in the Watchtower which illustrates that Jesus spoke to people he met in the normal course of his life, not just formal door to door. This will usher in a new method of field service for the rank and file of just speaking to people that they meet using a tablet or smart phone. This will dispose of the door to door work as being a staple. You can go door to door if you want, but you only have to talk to people that you meet in your daily life. That's it. This will be done to make it easier for people to stay in the religion and do something in Field Service with all the not at homes that are experienced. No minimum hours or placements will be required. Just do it as you can.
4. The requirements for receiving an appointment will be greatly relaxed. No more minimum Field Service requirements, unbelieving children living at home are now okay, brownnosing not required, etc. The BOE will ask you if you want to serve, and if you do, they will appoint you at the next meeting. Minimum time and procedure involved.
That's about the end of my five year speculation for the moment.